How to Start a Youtube Channel?
15 November 2020

How to Start a Youtube Channel?

In KSP Season 7, the third time was presented by one of the ISTTS lecturers who had a developed and monetized Youtube channel, namely Mr. Jonie Hermanto, S.Kom. Mr. Jonie himself has only been in the Youtube field since last March, when Indonesia was first facing the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the efforts paid off. Mr. Jonie's Youtube channel is already big and he gets a lot of dollars. At the beginning of the seminar, it was started by providing information about YouTube channels that have been monetized and those that have not. Then proceed with the essence of the seminar, namely "How to change from a hobby to a dollar".

In this day and age, the internet has been used by many people. And as we know, for us high school students and levels below, we get government subsidies in the form of quotas for studying. Through the internet, we can spread positive influences. For example, through one of the social media, namely Youtube. Youtube is an American state-owned platform and is the most widely used platform in the country. Meanwhile, Youtube is the number 1 social media in Indonesia with a total of 132 million Indonesian active users. Thus, Youtube has been able to beat the popularity of television. Because on television it is monitored by KPI, while on YouTube there is still no body that monitors it, so we can be free to express and have opinions.

According to Mr. Jonie, Youtube itself is "having a hobby of letting the dollars blossom". To become a content creator, it's like you are applying for work as a Youtube employee. So YouTube needs us to create content, and when your content is seen by many people and can make room for advertisements, that's where we will be paid. Just like we apply to a company, the first time we make a video it's like submitting a CV to the company. And we only need simple tools and equipment.

Being a content creator is actually very simple, all we have to do is install the Youtube Studio application. From this application we can create very simple content and then upload it to Youtube. And only with our smartphone cameras, this quality is allowed to create content. Not to forget Pak Joni conveyed the things that we need to prepare if we want to become a content creator. For the ideal duration of a content it depends on the audience and what content is presented. For example gaming content. If your Youtube audience is 100 thousand or even more, you can review it live for hours. As for beginners, it is recommended that the duration is 15 to 20 minutes with in fact 5-10 minutes at the beginning should attract the audience so that the audience doesn't stop watching your video.

Mr. Jonie emphasized that thumbnails are very important. Because it is a thumbnail, it contains clickbait. So the thumbnail is what will determine whether the audience is interested in seeing your video or not. Then Mr. Joni also showed how the details of a channel, starting from the analysis, we can see the audience, monetization from advertisements, and so on. How about getting the monetization itself? The trick is that a channel must have at least 10,000 subscribers and 4000 broadcast hours. With this, the videos on your Youtube channel can be monetized. Not to forget that Pak Joni also gave quite tricky tips and tricks to build a Youtube channel. Then it ends with words that can be used as a basis for beginners who want to build a Youtube channel, "Quantity follows quality". Which means uploading a lot of videos and scheduled is better than one good video but once a year.

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