01 September 2020


The webinar was started by Pak Sito who talked about the world of Indonesian cinema. Pak Sito created a film Pink Pastel in 2016. Mr. Sito said that some people want to be directed to horror, psychopathic, and tense situations because some objects are present predominantly around the subject. “I describe solitude rather than threatening situations. I also prefer it if the audience interprets other things or multiple interpretations because multiple interpretations give added value to the film, "said Pak Sito. Pak Sito's Struggle Pak Sito also recounts his journey to enter the world of film.

After that, the conversation was replaced by Pak Iwan. Pak Iwan talked about his experience in the world of sound technology. Pak Iwan also shows some sound effect settings on movies or songs and speaker settings. Here are some pictures


The discussion was continued by Pak Syamsul. Pak Syamsul explained about new media art. "New media art is used arbitrarily to identify various trends in artistic practice based on technology media such as cameras for photos and videos, computers, internet, and projectors," said Pak Syamsul. He also explained about the work patterns of the film community and the patterns of art creation. Pak Syamsul said, "this pattern can be reversed until the goal is achieved."

The webinar ended with a conversation between Pak Arif and Pak Martinus. Mr. Arif spoke partly about the development of digital design around the world. Pak Martinus responded to this by saying, "from there we can see that making new innovations does not have to be from 0, but adapting what is already there and providing added value." Then Mr. Martinus gave an example of the design:


Learn Photography at Surabaya Zoo

Learn Photography at Surabaya Zoo

The 2023 Visual Communication Design Department of the Surabaya Integrated Science and Technology Institute (ISTTS) visited the Surabaya Zoo (KBS) on March 28 2024. This visit was held as a practice for the Applicative Photography class, taught by Mr. Herman Budianto. This activity, which was attended by 32 students, had the aim of practicing photography material that had been studied previously, such as human interest, wildlife and landscape photography.

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Cybersecurity and How to Initiate An Anti Mainstream Overseas Career Journey

Cybersecurity and How to Initiate An Anti Mainstream Overseas Career Journey

The seminar entitled Cybersecurity and how to initiate an anti-mainstream overseas career journey was held on March 27 2024 by ISTTS whose speaker was Ferry Haris, S.Kom., M.Sc.,. Ferry Haris himself is the CEO of FeHa International Consulting B.V. This seminar was attended by several students from Informatics Engineering, then there were also some from SIB (Business Information Systems) and finally there were also some from DKV (Visual Communication Design).

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Exams are more important than life?!

Exams are more important than life?!

On March 22, 2024, the sun was shining as bright as ever. It seemed that the day would proceed normally as if nothing would happen. But who would have thought, suddenly at 11.22 WIB the first earthquake occurred after a long time without an earthquake, which shook the buildings at the Surabaya Integrated Science and Technology Institute (ISTTS).

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Open Talk Informatics 2024

Open Talk Informatics 2024

The Surabaya Institute of Applied Science and Technology (ISTTS) Informatics Student Association held an Even Semester Informatics Open Talk event on March 22 2024 in room E-402. This event invited Mr. Dr. Yosi Kristian, S.Kom. M.Kom., as Head of the Informatics Study Program at ISTTS.

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Workshop Videography STV X ISTTS Day 2

Workshop Videography STV X ISTTS Day 2

Workshop Videography STV X ISTTS, continues on Sunday 17 March 2024. This event, which is aimed at STV (Sinlui TV) members, is an event that lasts for 2 days, where the participants stay overnight at their school, precisely at SMAK St. Louis 1 Surabaya.

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Leveling Up Your Products Charm

Leveling Up Your Products Charm

The workshop entitled Leveling Up Your Products Charm was held on Saturday, March 16 2024 by ISTTS in collaboration with SMA Frateran. This workshop took place in the Frateran hall and this workshop was attended by approximately 100 children from Frateran High School. This workshop has provided a valuable contribution in developing participants' insight and skills in facing increasingly competitive market challenges in this digital era.

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