14 July 2020


On July 11, 2020, KSP season 6 episode 5, which was held by ISTTS this time, had the topic "Application of Technology in the World of Education in the New Normal Era". The seminar was attended by internal and external ISTTS participants via the zoom platform and also YouTube live streaming. This time the KSP was delivered by 3 speakers at the same time, namely Dr. Ir. Fransisca H. Chandra, M.T., Mrs. Dr. Ir. Endang Setyati, M.T., and also Amiroh S. Kom., M. Kom. The speakers explained their experiences regarding the use of several digital platforms that are used as online learning media.

In today's digital era, technology has certainly been applied in various fields, one of which is education. According to Ms. Fransisca as ISTTS Electrical and Electrical Study Program, learning is likened to a flowing river, it looks calm but there is a lot of rock and dirt. Then the instructor's task here is how to clean the 'river' so that students can learn fluently during the learning process. He explained that in ancient times, learning resources were only in the form of instructors and books, while the means for learning in the form of classrooms, blackboards and projectors. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic changed all activities that were originally run offline to online. This is where technology plays a very important role. Learning resources such as books have now become cyberspace and online learning has begun to be applied. He also described online learning as well as problems such as the Internet, student motivation and independent learning abilities. There are several ways to arouse student motivation when learning online, namely by games, giving appreciation and also quizzes with forms. The application of games can use platforms such as kahoot and quizziz. Students will be able to play while learning and know the answers to the questions right away.

The material was then continued by Ms. Endang as Head of Information Technology Masters Program, she explained about Distance Learning, tips on creating creative content for online learning. E-learning learning in the midst of the pandemic Covid-19 is one way to implement social and physical distancing. Activities such as work and study are done work from home, study from home and stay at home. Online learning is now carried out not only at universities but also at the kindergarten level. Mrs. Endang said that teachers should have prepared creative content for online learning. Online learning systems aim at increasing equity of access to quality learning.
He also gave some tips for creating creative content. Here are the tips;
Create original content
Focus on creating strong headlines
Content must be able to provide a solution
Accurate in reporting and retrieving information
Create engaging content
Communicate better by adding pictures and videos
Write short and tapered content
He also explained the stages in conducting E-Learning, namely by Plan, Do, Check and Art - online learning. Plan, which is preparing a virtual class including setting up a place to do online classes. Do, increase learning interactions. He also gave tips to not force video conferencing based learning because it could use up student quota and reduce accessibility for those who have limited internet access. Check and Art, which compiles assessments and documentation. The assessment provided can be given formative quiz, summative quiz and assignment with platforms such as Microsoft Teams.

The material was then continued with an explanation of classroom management and school administration using Teams and Class notebooks in the New Normal Era, which were hosted by Mrs. Amiroh as ISTTS Information Technology graduate alumni. He explained about Microsoft Office 365 and some of its features ranging from making attendance lists to filing learning activities in class notebooks for school and institutional data. To make an online attendance list you can use the form in Teams. He also explained about giving surveys as input to the process and learning outcomes of a combination of face-to-face and evaluation to find out the learning progress of students. If there are friends who want to know the procedures for registering an Office 365 account, it can be seen on his YouTube channel, Amiroh Adnan.
The seminar then continued with a question and answer session and then ended with a group photo and also filled out questionnaires and attendance for participants.

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