29 July 2020


Sabtu, 25 Juli 2020 pukul 09.30, ISTTS kembali mengadakan Webinar Series “Teknik Elektro ISTTS Berbagi” dengan topik “Mengelola Kelas Virtual yang Menyenangkan  dan Administrasi Mengajar Saat #BelajarDariRumah”. Webinar Seri 1 ini diikuti oleh peserta internal maupun eksternal melalui platform zoom. Webinar ini dibawakan oleh moderator Bapak Jonie Hermanto, S.Kom. dan 2 narasumber sekaligus yaitu Ibu Dr. Ir. Fransisca H. Chandra, M.T. dan  Ibu Amiroh Adnan, S.Kom, M.Kom. Para narasumber membuka webinar dengan perkenalan diri kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menjelaskan tentang pengelolaan kelas virtual yang menyenangkan di masa pandemi dengan menggunakan Microsoft Teams dan Class Notes.

Selama menjalani “study at home” atau belajar dari rumah di masa pandemi, tentu guru harus menyiapkan berbagai strategi agar siswa tidak cepat bosan dalam mengikuti pembelajaran secara daring. Menurut Ibu Amiroh selaku alumni S2 Teknologi Informasi ISTTS, salah satu cara untuk mengelola kelas virtual yaitu dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi Microsoft Teams dari Microsoft Office 365. Beliau juga memberikan tutorial mengenai Microsoft Teams mulai dari membuat akun lalu menjelaskan fitur apa saja yang terdapat di dalamnya. Mulai dari membuat daftar hadir dengan menggunakan form di Teams hingga menyimpan aktivitas pembelajaran di Class Notebook. Tak lupa beliau juga membagikan tips membuat kelas virtual di Teams yang dapat dilihat di akun channel youtube beliau, Amiroh Adnan.

Webinar kemudian dilanjutkan oleh Ibu Fransisca selaku Kaprodi Teknik Elektro ISTTS. Menurut beliau, dengan adanya pandemi ini merubah segala aktivitas pembelajaran yang semula tatap muka menjadi online. Tentu perubahan ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi pengajar. Mulai dari masalah internet hingga motivasi siswa selama mengikuti kelas secara online. Ibu Fransisca membagikan cara untuk membangkitkan motivasi siswa saat pembelajaran online, mulai dari penerapan game dengan menggunakan platform seperti Kahoot dan Quizziz hingga memberikan apresiasi tertentu pada siswa yang mengikuti kelas online dengan baik.

Di penghujung acara, webinar diakhiri dengan kuis berhadiah dan sesi tanya jawab antara peserta webinar dan narasumber. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengisi kuisioner untuk peserta yang telah mengikuti webinar.



Increase Self-Confidence with Exciting Social Media Workshops

Increase Self-Confidence with Exciting Social Media Workshops

The Exciting Social Media (SMS) Workshop which was held on April 5 2024 at the Surabaya Integrated Science and Technology Institute (ISTTS) became a highlight for SMAK Santa Maria Surabaya students and related parties. This event was organized by ISTTS with speaker Ardalina.L.C.G.,S.Ds., M.I.Kom., who also serves as Head of the ISTTS Digital Marketing Team, as the main speaker.

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Steering Wheel

Steering Wheel

Kevin, an alumnus from class 19, has shown extraordinary achievements by leading the car steering wheel development project together with his friends. Kevin's presence in the class of 19 alumni community has been in the spotlight because of his extraordinary dedication to this project. As a top graduate, Kevin has proven that his academic achievements are only a small part of his true potential.

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Easter 2024 with Catholic UKK Trustees and Christian UKK Chair

Easter 2024 with Catholic UKK Trustees and Christian UKK Chair

Easter or Easter is a religious celebration for Protestant and Catholic Christians. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, where previously he died as a human and then rose again to atone for human sins. Easter signifies new life, where people who celebrate leave their sins and repent to achieve a righteous life.

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Learn Photography at Surabaya Zoo

Learn Photography at Surabaya Zoo

The 2023 Visual Communication Design Department of the Surabaya Integrated Science and Technology Institute (ISTTS) visited the Surabaya Zoo (KBS) on March 28 2024. This visit was held as a practice for the Applicative Photography class, taught by Mr. Herman Budianto. This activity, which was attended by 32 students, had the aim of practicing photography material that had been studied previously, such as human interest, wildlife and landscape photography.

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Cybersecurity and How to Initiate An Anti Mainstream Overseas Career Journey

Cybersecurity and How to Initiate An Anti Mainstream Overseas Career Journey

The seminar entitled Cybersecurity and how to initiate an anti-mainstream overseas career journey was held on March 27 2024 by ISTTS whose speaker was Ferry Haris, S.Kom., M.Sc.,. Ferry Haris himself is the CEO of FeHa International Consulting B.V. This seminar was attended by several students from Informatics Engineering, then there were also some from SIB (Business Information Systems) and finally there were also some from DKV (Visual Communication Design).

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Exams are more important than life?!

Exams are more important than life?!

On March 22, 2024, the sun was shining as bright as ever. It seemed that the day would proceed normally as if nothing would happen. But who would have thought, suddenly at 11.22 WIB the first earthquake occurred after a long time without an earthquake, which shook the buildings at the Surabaya Integrated Science and Technology Institute (ISTTS).

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