The Current Advertising Method, "Baper Advertising"
18 June 2020

The Current Advertising Method, "Baper Advertising"

On Monday, June 15, 2020, Dr. Decky Avrilukito, S.Sn., MM or commonly known as "Pak Dee", brought a KSP entitled "Baper Advertising". What is "Baper Advertising"? Broadly speaking, baper advertising is advertising of a product, which can touch the hearts of the audience. Usually, this baper advertising is uploaded in the form of a short movie. But the way of advertising by making baper is still not applied in the world of advertising in Indonesia.

Before the seminar began, Pak Dee showed a video of the singer Alm. Didi Kempot is often referred to as "The Godfather of Broken Heart". There he pointed out that this is one example of baper advertising that already exists in Indonesia. Not only that, to make the participants to "baper", he also played a broken-hearted theme song before the start of the seminar. Besides that, he also exhibited the work of ISVTS DKV students, ranging from new students, to those who had graduated. He also gave a cut of films made by students competed in Jakarta, and won first place.

During the seminar, he also showed a comparison between advertisements in Indonesia, and advertisements for making Thailand. He showed how insurance ads in Indonesia, and insurance ads in Thailand. On this occasion he proved, that this baper advertising is very important to begin to be implemented in Indonesia, because on the one hand the ad is interesting and not boring, but can also touch the feelings of the audience. Then he also presented one of the international brands that we are familiar with with milk products and cereals. And some people agree that the baper advertising method is very effective to attract the attention of the audience.

Pak Dee also taught the participants who attended the seminar. How to? Starting from making Idea Mapping, choosing ideas that are anti-mainstream, and others. But it should be stressed that baper is not just making people fall in love. If the audience is angry or laughing because of the ad we made, it means that we have made our audience become "baper". He also told how his experience working in a large cigarette company in Indonesia. Many challenges he has faced while working under a large tobacco company.

At the end of the seminar, he also emphasized once more. The key to making the audience baper is, "Be different". So, the conclusion is "think out of the box, start from now". Not only makes us think in many ways, but it also makes us more creative and anti-mainstream!


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